Monday, 23 October 2017

Tron 3 Was Canceled Before the Script Was Finished.

It's been a long time since Disney tried to bring the Tron franchise to modern audiences with Tron: Legacy, which wasn't exactly the success they were hoping it would be. That being the case, a third movie in the franchise failed to ever get going, but there's still hope. Though Tron 3 is dead, a reboot may still happen, with Jared Leto taking over in the lead role. Now, director Joseph Kosinski reveals that Leto's involvement actually goes back a long way and says that the movie is sort of just sitting right now. Joseph Kosinski, who's been promoting his latest movie, Only The Brave, was asked about the status of the rumored Tron reboot. While not giving us a lot of hope that we're going to see the movie arrive in theaters anytime soon, he did further confirm Jared Leto's involvement and revealed that he almost appeared in Tron: Legacy. Here's what he had to say about it. "Jared and I had actually been talking about Tron since Tron: Legacy back in 2009. We almost put him in that movie, actually in [the End of Line club scene]! So Jared's a huge fan and we actually batted around ideas and I was talking to him about that role in Ascension, but we only got to the script stage on that. We never really moved beyond that and that's sort of where it sits for now." When the news of Jared Leto's involvement in Tron 3 first broke, it was made quite clear that the studio is aiming for a reboot, and not looking to continue where Tron: Legacy ended off. So it's doubtful that Joseph Kosinski would be directing anyway. Plus, he's going to be busy directing Top Gun 2 with Tom Cruise next year. Recently, Leto also talked a bit about Tron 3, saying that the movie is in the earliest stages, but that he'd love to do it. "It was a huge movie for me as well and I do think there's so much potential in that world, there's so much left to be said. I'm absolutely game to try to help in any way that I can bring that to life. It's something that we're in discussions about and very much looking forward to bringing to reality. It's very early days though." Tron: Legacy was released in 2010 and made $400 million worldwide. That's not bad, but by modern standards, especially for Disney, certainly not great. So these comments that Joseph Kosinski recently made to Coming Soon make a good deal of sense. Still, Tron fans have hope that another installment of the classic sci-fi franchise could be on the way. Just don't hold your breath waiting around for it.

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