The Royal Family have reportedly asked for a private screening of Brüno at their Balmoral residence.
Universal studios, which produced Sacha Baron Cohen's latest movie, was sent an official email from Buckingham Palace requesting a copy of the film, reports The Sun.
A Universal source said: "We often get emails from important people requesting prints for private screenings.
"But when we realised it was for the Royals there were a few chuckles. It isn't for the faint-hearted."
Brüno features Sacha Baron Cohen’s gay Austrian fashionista trying to seduce a US congressman and a graphic sex scene involving the title character and his pygmy lover.
The insider added: "The humour is right up William and Harry’s street - but Prince Philip would probably have a heart attack."
It is not known which members of the Royal Family will be present at Balmoral for the film screening, although the Queen and Prince Phillip are thought to be the next scheduled guests.