At the age of 21, little-known model Cameron Diaz was cast opposite Jim Carrey in The Mask, despite having no previous acting experience. She had to read for the part 12 times and developed a stomach ulcer for her trouble, but her show-stopping entrance made her an instant star. Scoot forward a few years and the all-American star with Cuban-German-English-Cherokee ancestry is still at the top of the A-list and has romanced a conveyor belt of dishy men to boot. As new flick What Happens In Vegas opens in cinemas across the UK this week, it's high time we found out more about Hollywood's golden girl.
1. Cameron attended California's Long Beach Polytechnic High School at the same time as rapper Snoop Dogg.
2. Cameron would love to switch lives with comedian Jack Black - at least for a while. She says: "I think of who I would want to be, and then Jack's there in a blue leotard and a moustache, and I'm like, 'What would it be like to be that guy?' I don't know... I'd like to know." Hmm, maybe it would be best not to delve too deeply in this case!
3. Cameron admits that her male co-stars have a tendancy to get all hot under the collar when she's around. She reveals: "A lot of the actors I've worked with get... like a crush on me. They want to get romantic." She includes Mask co-star Jim Carrey, whose invitation for a date she politely declined, in that number. Although he remained civil, the warmth was gone from their relationship and she hasn't heard a word from him since. Ouch!
4. Cameron really - really - hates the musical stylings of Mariah Carey. She says: "If you really want to torture me, sit me in a room strapped to a chair and put [her records] on."
5. On the other hand, she has a bit of a soft spot for Harrison Ford, whom she describes as her "ideal man for masculinity".
6. Cameron stopped eating pork after learning that pigs have the "same intellectual capacity as a human three-year-old". However, it didn't last - she later said: “I started eating pork again, because it’s so goddamn good!”
7. Cameron refuses to consider plastic surgery. In fact, she says: “If anyone invents a ray gun which, when used, undoes every face job in Beverly Hills, I want to be around when whoever it is pulls the trigger.” So do we, Cameron, so do we.
8. Cameron says she never exercised at all - not even for a day - before embarking on her gruelling fitness regime for Charlie’s Angels.
9. While Cameron has no qualms about adding a bit of muscle, it's not something she would do for a part. Talking about 2005 drama In Her Shoes, she explains: "Toni [Collette] was fantastic, and so dedicated. She agreed to gain weight for the role. Which, well... I wouldn't gain weight for a role - that's not part of my job requirement!"
10. Cameron is a big fan of the horizontal mamba. She says: “Sex is best for everything. It’s the best exercise. It’s the best way to pass the time. It’s the best way to spend an afternoon. It’s the best way to do anything. It should absolutely be 100% of everyone’s life on a day-to-day basis.”
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